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For a soft look, the frown wrinkle can be treated with botox. At DeGezichtskliniek we work with the Bocouture® brand  from Merz for our botox treatments.

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Frown Lines

The frown lines are the wrinkles between the eyebrows. They can make you look angry or grumpy. With thin needles and small injections, Botox relaxes the muscles and reduces wrinkles. The treatment is minimally painful and you are presentable shortly after the treatment. You could get botox during your lunch break and when you come back no one will see that you have been treated. The effect of botox is usually noticeable after a few days and the result is fully visible after 2 weeks. The result remains visible for 3 to 4 months on average.


DeGezichtskliniek works with the A-quality brand Bocouture® by Merz.

Brand Botox


Duration of treatment

5 - 10 minuten


5 - 10 minutes

Visible result

Complete after 2 weeks

Lasts for

3 - 4 months


How Much Botox Do I Need? 

The indicated amount of botox per treatment is for an optimal result where the wrinkles will no longer be visible. Sometimes it happens with deep wrinkles that you need a little more botox. This will of course be discussed during the first consultation. 

How Much Botox Do I Need? 

It differs per person how much botox is needed in a certain area of the face. The right dose will be assessed by the doctor on basis of the age, severity of wrinkles and the strengt of the muscles. Furthermore what one would for look: a natural look where the wrinkles decrease and you can still see a little bit of movement. There is also the Strong/Frozen look where there is often no movement of the treated area. Wrinkles that are in the face at rest decrease a little bit, but certainly with deeper wrinkles, these will not completely disappear with a treatment. If after 2 weeks more botox is desired, you can book an appointment for a top-up on which small cost are applicable for the extra units.

Is Botox Treatment Painful? 

During the botox treatment, a very small needle is used, so that the injections are usually not experienced as very painful. If you want to be sure that you are completely pain-free during the treatment, we can always use an anesthetic cream.

When can I expect the result?

You will not see any results immediately after the treatment. After a few days you will start to notice that there is already less movement in the treated area. After 1 week after the treatment you will see much more results and after 2 weeks you will see the end result. 

How long will the result remain visible?

How long the botox treatment continues to work varies from person to person. The average period is 3 to 4 months. With repeated treatments in succession you can expect a prolonged result. 

Is there swelling or bruising? 

It is not common for swelling or bruising to occur with Botox treatment. Often immediately after treatment there are no visible signs that you have been treated.

Which products are used?

At DeGezichtkliniek we only stock A brands. Our prices are based on the Bocouture® brand which is produced in France. 

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